WorkSpaces User Tab
This information can be found by clicking on a WorkSpace in the "WorkSpaces" section within the Admin tab.
From the drop down menu at the top right, we will a list of possible actions, depending on our permissions. To name a few:
Refresh: to refresh the screen with the latest info.
RDP: when RDP is enabled in the Options > Settings menu, this would download an RDP file with the information to connect to a user’s WorkSpace
Note, this is not a shadowing session with a user. It just allows to connect to a WorkSpace for Support as an admin.
Reboot: to restart a user's WorkSpace.
Recovery Reboot: in the event of a WorkSpace residing on faulty host that will not start, a recovery reboot will move it to another host.
Restore: restores a user’s WorkSpace to the last known ‘good’ backup (AWS automatically takes backups every 12 hours).
Rebuild: to rebuild the Workspace to its original bundle/image. This will rebuild the WorkSpace C:\ drive (or root / in Linux) and will keep the contents of the D:\ drive (or /home in Linux) with the last automated backup.
Stop: stops a user’s WorkSpace.
Terminate: to delete a WorkSpace permanently. When a WorkSpace is deleted, all contents will be lost.
Schedule Termination: to schedule the termination of a WorkSpace by entering the date and time.
Change WorkSpace Type: allows to change the instance type of WorkSpace to a different compute type. Note that you can only change a WorkSpace type every 24 hours.
Change WorkSpace Mode: allows to change the WorkSpace from ALWAYS_ON to AUTO_STOP and vice versa.
Change WorkSpaces Volumes: allows to increase (not to decrease) the size of the C:\ and D:\ volumes
Change Protocol: if the WorkSpace was originally created using the PcoiP protocol, using the change protocol option will allow you to switch from PCoiP to Amazons WSP Protocol and back again should you require (only 2 switches of protocols allowed in 24 hours).
Manage Tags: allows to add tags to a WorkSpace.
You can also use Fixed Tagging which provides consistency for your tagging and saves on typing.
Change Reboot Hour: if "Auto Reboot" is enabled in the Options > Settings; this allows to set the reboot time for individual WorkSpaces. By default, WorkSpaces do not automatically reboot, and this option allows to set the option of doing so based on a time best suited to your users.
If you do not want your WorkSpace to be rebooted or rebuilt as part of a schedule, you can set a user WorkSpace tag as NoRebuild = True and/or NoReboot = True.
Migrate: to migrate a user from one bundle to another.
Last updated