Cost Optimizer Verification
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On the Admin Dashboard, if enabled, you will find a tile labeled Cost Optimizer: CO Directories. This tile provides confirmation of the system's status. If everything is functioning correctly, the status will indicate full operation. However, if an issue arises, it will display the specific number of directories running, such as "3/4" operational.
To identify the specific directory experiencing issues, navigate to the Support dropdown and select Configuration Status. In this section, under Directories, you will find details highlighting the directory that is not functioning properly.
The most likely cause of the issue is an incorrect S3 bucket name. To resolve this, navigate to Configuration > Settings > Active Directory under Forest Directories and ensure the S3 bucket name is accurate. Additionally, verify that the S3 bucket has been properly configured. For detailed guidance, refer to the AWS documentation.
Once the issue is resolved, the affected directory will turn green under C/O on the Configuration Status page, indicating it is functioning correctly.
On the Admin Dashboard, the CO tile will also update to reflect the current number of operating CO Directories.