Admin Dashboard
Last updated
Last updated
The dashboard provides a unified view of the entire WorkSpaces environment and estate. It also displays event logs, serving as an audit trail of actions performed by administrators.
Clicking on the tile reveal the reports held behind them. All are intuitive and explained throughout this document. Some icons on the left of the dashboard, also enable actions.
In the centre of the dashboard :
Unhealthy WorkSpaces
Healthy WorkSpaces
Standyby WorkSpaces
Stopped WorkSpaces
Unused WorkSpaces
Connected Users
Portal Licenses (in percentage of use)
Always On
Disabled Users Account
Orphaned (WorkSpaces)
API Rate Exception
Recently Disconnected
WorkSpaces Low Disk Volume
CO Directories (Cost Optimizer)
WSM has a auto-fix for Amazon WorkSpaces. However, in a very small amount of cases, AWS Support will be required to fix these and these will be shown under the Unhealthy WorkSpaces tile.