Admin Dashboard
This Dashboard is showing a single panel of glass of the WorkSpaces environment and estate. It also shows Event logs as an audit of the actions carried out by Administrators.
Clicking on the symbols provides information about each item. All are self-explanatory and are covered throughout this document. Some of them allow to execute actions, where appropriate.
Among these tiles we can see the following graphs:
UnHealthy WorkSpaces
Healthy WorkSpaces
Stopped WorkSpaces
Unused WorkSpaces
Connected Users
Portal Licenses (in percentage of use)
Always On
WSM has a auto-fix for these WorkSpaces. However, in a very small amount of cases, this will need to be fixed by AWS Support.
There are four optional graphs that can be added in the "User Preferences":
Disabled User Account
Orphaned (WorkSpaces)
API Rate Exception
Outstanding Tasks
Last updated