

In this section you can configure settings for WorkSpaces with the following:

  • WorkSpaces: Enable/Disable AWS WorkSpaces features.

  • WorkSpace Update Frequency: Automatically update the local database with up-to-date information on this period. 15 minutes is sufficient for most cases, but you would not want to do this on, for example, a 1-minute period on a very large WorkSpaces and user estate.

  • Auto Provision: Turns on Auto-Provisioning of WorkSpaces via Active Directory groups. If Auto-Provision is enabled, the service will poll the Active Directory groups every 15 minutes for new members. Removing a user from the AD group will not terminate the WorkSpace. This functionality can be obtained in conjunction with Auto-Delete.

  • Auto Provision Frequency: Allows the choice of auto-provisioning period. This checks the AD groups in your Auto- Provisioning profiles at specific time periods. If it finds a user in an AD group that does not have a WorkSpace, it auto-provisions one for them based on the Auto-Provisioning settings that you have specified. The field allows 0-59 minutes, but anything more than 60 becomes an hourly check.

  • Unhealthy Reboot: If this option is enabled the service will check for any WorkSpaces with a status of "Unhealthy" every 10 minutes. Any WorkSpaces found in this state will have their status re-evaluated and if still found to be "Unhealthy" they will be rebooted or moved from hypervisor.

  • Use Global AutoStop Time: Sets a global time for auto-stop all the WorkSpaces in this mode.

  • AutoStop Timeout: Sets the number of hours before an idle WorkSpaces is stopped.

  • AutoDelete: You can set up WSM to automatically delete unused workspaces after a defined period of days.

  • AutoDelete Days: This value is the number of days a WorkSpace should be considered for deletion (e.g., 45 or 60 days).

  • AutoDelete Safety Days: This value is the number of days a user will be given to inform their Service Desk or IT Function that they still require the WorkSpace before deletion. For example, if Auto-delete was set for 60 days. On the 60th day of the WorkSpace being unused, the user that is associated with the WorkSpace will receive an email informing them that their WorkSpace is to be deleted in (Safety days VALUE) with the request for them to contact support remove the Autodeletion request. After the safety days value and if autodeletion is not removed.

  • AutoStop on AutoDelete: Automatically convert an Always-on WorkSpace to hourly mode

  • AutoDelete Simulation: If Enabled will simulate a deletion in the service logs.

  • Auto Reboot: Enables the Auto Reboot function.

  • Auto Reboot Tag Name: Default time for Reboot is 3am, here you can set tag with different hour if you wish to change the Reboot Time.

  • Access Log Group: Define a group or category for access logs within the system.

  • Display Real Name: Shows real name for user in System.

  • Display Username: Shows username for user in System.

  • Multi Region Resiliance: Only enable this if you have configured Multi Region Resiliance

  • Remove Standby on Termination: This determines whether resources that are in standby mode should be automatically terminated when a workspace is terminated. If this option is disabled, standby resources will remain even if the workspace is terminated.

  • Disbale Volume Encryption By Default: By default the system will tick the boxes to enable encryption for each volume, Enable to default to non-encrypted.


This section is for settings of WorkSpaces Secure Browser.

Last updated