AP Profiles
AP Profiles refers to Auto-Provision Profiles!
You can choose to Auto-Provision WorkSpaces by putting users in an Active Directory group and configuring WorkSpaces Manager to read users from that AD Group. First, select "Add Profile".
There is some information to be added to create and configure an AP Profile:
AD Group Name: Populate the Active Directory group.
Region: Select the AWS Region for the WorkSpaces to be created in.
Directory: Select the WorkSpaces directory (AWS Directory Services or AD Connector).
Bundle: Select the WorkSpaces bundle.
Account: Select the AWS account number that the WorkSpaces will reside in (when multiple).
Mode: Select the desired running mode.
Encryption: Select to enable\disable root and user volume encryption
Tags: Choose the Profile Tags to be added automatically.
You will only be allowed to add "Fixed Tags" in Profile Tags once you’ve saved the Auto-Provision profile. If you go back to edit this profile, you can then add the Fixed Tags.
If Auto-Provision is enabled, the service will poll the Active Directory groups every 15 minutes for new members.
Removing a user from the AD group will not terminate the WorkSpace. This functionality can be obtained in conjunction with Auto-Delete.
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