Additional Options

This section holds a high number of configuration options that work mostly in an independent way without being part of the other main configuration elements.

Statistics Retention Days: If the WorkSpace Performance Monitor Agent has been deployed to the WorkSpaces, it will be reporting back to the server key metric statistics periodically as defined in the Group Policy. In a large estate, this will create millions of rows within the database over a period. The number of days that are retained within the database can be specified here. If the number of days is too high on a large estate (e.g., 60) then it will have an impact on queries of statistics and increased disk space usage. For smaller estates, you can set this to 30 days and monitor from there.

WorkSpace Service Update Frequency (mins): This will automatically update the local database with up-to-date information on this period. 15 minutes is sufficient for most cases, but you would not want to do this on, for example, a 1-minute period on a very large WorkSpaces and user estate. If you need to do a manual update for any reason, you can do this in the Update section of the portal.

Portal URL: Enter your portal URL here. e.g.

Multiple Account: This enables management of WorkSpaces across multiple AWS accounts. Please refer to Multi-Account section of this document for configuration instructions

There is also a Terraform example to configure roles and policies for a Multi-Account setup:

Multiple Domains: If you are using a multi-domain forest, you can add multiple domains in which you host user accounts. Therefore, their WorkSpaces can be managed, searched, and reported on.

Password Expiry Emails: If this is chosen, users will receive a notification email two weeks prior to their password expiring. This can be turned on\off whenever and is not required to complete the Portal configuration.

User Change Password: Enables the portal to give the user the option to change their password in AD.

User Restore: Enables the Self-Service function for a user to restore their WorkSpace to a last known healthy state. If the WorkSpace is healthy, snapshots of both the root volume and user volume are created on scheduled every 12 hours. If the WorkSpace is unhealthy, these snapshots are not created.

User Rebuild: Enables the Self-Service function for a user to rebuild their WorkSpace and notifies user by email of the action. The system is refreshed with the most recent image of the bundle that the WorkSpace was created from. Any applications that were installed, or system settings that were changed after the WorkSpace was created, are lost. The user volume (D:\ drive on Windows; /home directory on Linux) is recreated from the most recent snapshot. The current contents of the user volume are overwritten.

Disable Scheduler: This quickly disables ALL automation of the WorkSpaces Manager Appliance.

Activity Reporting: This enables\disables the sending of a daily report on user login, logoff, idle times and when activity was resumed. The report is sent at 3AM each morning. An example report is shown below:

Email For Report: The email of the person\group that receives the Activity report.

Auto Delete: You can enable WorkSpaces Manager to automatically delete unused workspaces after a defined period of days.

Auto Delete Days: This value is the number of days a WorkSpace should be considered for deletion (e.g., 45 or 60 days).

Safety Days Before Termination: This value is the number of days a user will be given to inform their Service Desk or IT Support Team that they still require the WorkSpace before deletion.

Auto Provision: Turns on Auto-Provisioning of WorkSpaces via Active Directory groups. If Auto-Provision is enabled, the service will poll the Active Directory groups every 15 minutes for new members. Removing a user from the AD group will not terminate the WorkSpace. This functionality can be obtained in conjunction with Auto-Delete.

Auto Provision Frequency: Allows the choice of auto-provisioning period. This checks the AD groups in your Auto- Provisioning profiles at specific time periods. If it finds a user in an AD group that does not have a WorkSpace, it auto-provisions one for them based on the Auto-Provisioning settings that you have specified. The field allows 0-59 minutes, but anything more than 60 becomes an hourly check.

Unhealthy Reboot: If this option is enabled the service will check for any WorkSpaces with a status of "Unhealthy" every 10 minutes. Any WorkSpaces found in this state will have their status re-evaluated and if still found to be "Unhealthy" they will be rebooted or moved from hypervisor.

Fixed Tag Values: Enables the Fixed Tags function in ‘Options’

Use Global AutoStop Time: Sets a global time for auto-stop all the WorkSpaces in this mode.

Auto Stop Timeout: Sets the number of hours before an idle WorkSpaces is stopped.

Alternate Email Tag: Enables the Alternate Email Tags function in "Options".

Integrates with WSUS: Enables the integration with the Microsoft Patching services called Windows Services Update Server (WSUS).

WSUS Port: WSUS uses port 8530 by default, but it can be changed on IIS. It is not recommended.

WSUS HTTPS: If WSUS is configured to use HTTPS, then this option needs to be set. Also, port changes to 8531.

Use System Proxy: If WorkSpaces Manager needs to use a proxy, this feature must be enabled.

Proxy Address: When the System Proxy is enabled, an address in https://address:port format is required.

Last updated