The Rebuild function is performed on the WorkSpaces associated with a selected bundle. AWS do not currently provide APIs to create images, therefore association of a new image version to a bundle is a manual task within the AWS console. The Scheduled Rebuild will be performed 1 hour after the user’s selected Reboot Hour. The function will rebuild all bundles based on the bundle name selected in the last below regardless of Account, Region or Directory. Example of a rebuild process:

Here we are going to rebuild all WorkSpaces in a bundle called ‘nuvens-wsp’ tomorrow morning at 01:00. Some of our development users have installed applications of their own and have a tag set on their WorkSpace called NoRebuild = True. These WorkSpaces will be omitted from the task.

Select ‘Schedule’. You can, at this point, select to override the ‘NoRebuild’ tag as mentioned above.

You will now see a screen confirming that the scheduled task has been submitted to the Hangfire console.

To view the task, go to the Hangfire console (http://your-WSM-IP-or-FQDN/hangfire). Go to the Scheduled Jobs tab and you will see an AmazonService.ScheduledRebuildWorkSpace task which is due in around 12 hours.

Select the ID and it will give you more information about the task. You can identify bundle ID in the red box.


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